Departments and Programs
Arts and Humanities (H)
- American Sign Language
- Art and Art History
- Dance and Movement
- English
- Film and Media Studies
- Literary Translation**
- Modern Languages and Cultures
- Music
- Philosophy
- Religion and Classics
- Theatre, International
- Visual and Cultural Studies**
Natural Sciences (N)
- Biology
- Brain and Cognitive Sciences
- Chemistry
- Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Mathematics
- Physics and Astronomy
- Statistics
Social Sciences (S)
- (H, N, or S)
- Black Studies (H or S)
- (N or S)
- Digital Media Studies (H or N)
- (H or S)
- Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies (H or S)
- (H, N, or S)
- (N or E)
- (N, S, or E)
- Public Health-related Programs (H, N, or S)
- Russian Studies (H or S)
- Sustainability Studies (N or S)
*Indicates the distribution area (Arts and Humanities, Natural Sciences, or Social Sciences) is variable and determined at the time of official entrance into the program.
**Graduate program only.
H - Arts and humanities
N - Natural sciences
S - Social sciences
E - Engineering and applied sciences