Faculty Publication: Jason Peck's "German Aesthetics: Fundamental Concepts from Baumgarten to Adorno"

September 27, 2016

We are excited to announce that Bloomsbury Academic has published German Aesthetics: Fundamental Concepts from Baumgarten to Adorno, co-edited by J. D. Mininger (associate professor of social and political theory at Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania) and Jason Peck (visiting assistant professor of German in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures)!

German Aesthetics provides English-speaking audiences with accessible explanations of fundamental concepts from the German tradition of philosophical aesthetics. Organized with the understanding that aesthetic concepts are often highly contested intellectual territory, and that the usage and meanings of terms often shift within historical, cultural, and political debates, this volume brings together scholars of German literature, philosophy, film studies, musicology, and history to provide informative and creative interpretations of German aesthetics that will be useful to students and scholars alike.

For more information, visit the .