
Below is a list of some of our most prestigious graduates. You can also see where this year’s graduates have taken jobs on the placement of recent graduates page.

Biographies of Economics Graduates

Michele BoldrinLeonard Mirman
Jang-Ok ChoLee Ohanian
Harold ColeSérgio Rebelo
Jerry GreenJose Scheinkman
Zvi HercowitzAndrzej Skrzypacz
Lung-fei LeeTayfun Sönmez
Glenn MacDonaldRichard H. Thaler


Richard Thaler '74 (PhD), a pioneer in the field of behavioral economics, wins the .

Toshihiro Mukoyama (PhD 02') won Nakahara Prize, the Japanese Economic Association's prize given to the best economist under 45 each year

Bank of Canada Names Sylvain Leduc (PhD Economics) as a Deputy Governor.

Harold Cole (PhD 86', Professor at University of Pennsylvania) has been elected as an . For more information on Hal Cole's research, visit his .

Francis Vella (PhD 90', Edmond Villani Chair in Economics at Georgetown University) has been elected an an . For more information on Francis Vella's research, visit his . 

Jang-Ok Cho (PhD 90', Professor at Sogang University, South Korea) has been elected as the President of Korea Economic Association (2016-2017). For more information on Jang-Ok Cho's .

Damba Lkhagvasuren (PhD 07', Associate Professor at Concordia University) received the "Science Leader" awarded by the government of Mongolia for his contributions in the field of Science and Technology. Damba is the only social scientist who has received this award. For more information on Damba's research visit his .