
Chemistry majors will each have a Chemistry faculty advisor assigned to them once they officially declare.  Students that participate in research, will also have a senior research advisor.  All undergraduate students (declared or undeclared) are encouraged to contact anyfaculty member, peer advisor, or member of the Undergraduate Studies Committee

If you are unsure who to contact, the undergraduate program coordinator is always a good start, but students should also feel free to contact peer advisors and professors.  Your chemistry professors are perhaps your most indispensable resource for information about chemistry as a profession and the Undergraduate Chemistry Program at the 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳. Talk to them.  Graduate students and postdoctoral students may also provide information and invaluable guidance about future careers.

Planning a course load that does not cut off your options for majors, as well as discussing your interests and goals with your professors, will undoubtedly make your educational experience at the 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ both enjoyable and profitable.

Incoming Freshmen that plan on taking Chemistry Courses in the Fall semester can find more information here: First-Year Information for Chemistry Students

There is also an Advising Week each semester with open advising hours posted, however, we also welcome you to stop by and visit the Undergraduate Studies Office (Hutchison 404D) anytime during normal business hours.

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Undergraduate Studies Committee (USC)

In the Department of Chemistry the Undergraduate Studies Committee (USC) serves as academic advisors and handles undergraduate student concerns, including:

  • Declaration of a major or minor
  • Petitions for waiver or substitution of program requirements
  • Other curriculum or program questions

All USC committee members are "authorized signatures" for required paperwork to declare a major or minor in chemistry. Requests for transfer of credit should be directed to the undergraduate program coordinator.

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Peer Advisors

Our current chemistry peer advisors are all chemistry majors in their senior year and have gone through training with the . They can help students with:

  • Declaring a major
  • Making connections with faculty
  • Reviewing research opportunities
  • Exploring study abroad options

If they can't answer your question, they are happy to point you in the right direction! See the peer advisor page to get started.

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Research Advisors

The Department of Chemistry provides a variety of opportunities for undergraduates to participate in research programs during the academic year and the summer. Faculty members welcome undergraduates in their research groups and usually arrange a close collaboration with graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.

Two semesters of CHEM 393: Senior Research are required for the BS degree and are optional for the BA degree. Students also have the option of doing CHEM 395: Independent Research. Either way, students will register with a faculty member, who will serve as their research advisor.

For more information, please see:

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Other Advising Links

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