Teaching Assistant

The Department of Biology is recruiting undergraduate teaching assistants (TAs) to lead workshops, recitations, or laboratory sections associated with many of the courses offered. We encourage all interested students to apply below. The minimal qualifications include a passion for the material and successful completion of the course.

TAs typically perform the following duties:

  • Leading recitation sections, workshops, study groups, review sessions, and demonstrations
  • Aiding faculty in the preparation and grading of quizzes and exams
  • Attending all classes and weekly meetings

Teaching Assistant Applications

Applications for the fall 2024 semester are open through Wednesday, April 10. No prior experience is necessary to apply, and students may choose to apply for more than one position. Applications will be forwarded to the appropriate faculty member(s) and interviews will begin mid-April. Email biodeptugoffice@ur.rochester.edu with questions.

Academic Credit for Teaching Assistants

Supervised Teaching (BIOL 390a) courses allow undergraduate students to earn credit while gaining valuable teaching assistant (TA) experience in specific biology courses. Each BIOL 390a course is worth two credits.

Students who want to TA for credit must register for the appropriate BIOL 390a course in UR Student. Eligibility is contingent on past completion of the course, their passion for the subject material, and availability.

Before registering for a BIOL 390a course, students and faculty must come to a mutual understanding regarding duties and criteria for an evaluation.

When signing up for BIOL 390a it is important to keep in mind that:

  • Students can take only one BIOL 390a per semester and a maximum of four credits, or two BIOL 390a
  • Supervised teaching credits only count towards general college credit and cannot be applied of biological science majors or minors.
  • BIOL 390a courses annot be on a taken pass/fail basis.
  • Teaching assistants cannot earn college credit and monetary compensation for the same course.
  • Students cannot receive CASC 352 credit if they register for BIOL 390a credit for the same course.

Students interested in assistant teaching for credit should talk with their instructor about this option.

Student Employment Forms

New student employees should review and complete the following forms: