Information for Current Students

SAS Graduate Studies General Information

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General 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Graduate Student Information

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BCS Graduate Information

Year Requirements

Year 1, Spring

Each student should select an Advisory Committee comprising three faculty members, including the student’s primary research advisor, by February 1 of their first year. They should also ask one of these faculty members to be committee chair (note: this cannot be the research advisor).

If a student has two research advisors (i.e., a collaborative project), then it is fine for both advisors to be on the committee, but the committee must also include at least one member who is not directly involved in the student’s research (and that person would be chair if there are two research advisors on the committee).

The student should arrange a short meeting (approximately 30 minutes) with the Advisory Committee in May or June of their first year to discuss the student's progress and their readiness for the oral/written presentation in fall in their second year (described below). Following this May/June meeting, the chair of the Advisory Committee will compose a brief memo (representing the thoughts of the committee as a whole) to the student and to the director of the graduate program to give the student some feedback on their progress.

Every first-year student will enroll in BCSC 599 (Professional Development and Career Planning).

Year 2, Fall

Each student will give an oral presentation (plan to speak for 30 minutes, assuming no interruptions) and will write a short paper (three to five pages) that will be reviewed by the Advisory Committee (the paper must be submitted at least one week before the oral presentation takes place).

The presentation and paper will:

  • Summarize the research that the student has been involved in thus far
  • Discuss possible future directions for that research
  • Outline potential area(s) of interest for the thesis research in the form of a brief research prospectus

This is not a thesis proposal and the student does not need to have identified a thesis topic at this time. The goal of this exercise is to stimulate the student to think about how they will transition from the research they have done in the first year to their eventual thesis project, and to give the faculty an opportunity to give the student feedback on their progress and their forward plan.

Students MUST complete the written and oral presentation requirement by December 15 of the fall semester of the second year. This is not meant to be a big undertaking but rather a useful checkpoint for the student.

The chair of the Advisory Committee will again compose a memo summarizing progress, areas of concern, and any other recommendations of the committee. If the committee is concerned about the student’s progress or prospects in the program, the student will be given feedback about how they need to improve. If the concerns are serious, the student could be placed on probation and progress monitored accordingly.

If students would like to receive advice from their Advisory Committee between this presentation and the qualifying exam in the following academic year, they are welcome to convene a meeting of their Advisory Committee at any time they feel it necessary.

Year 2, Summer or Year 3, Fall

Each student will complete the qualifying exam. The format will be similar to what has been done in the past, with a few minor changes to enforce consistency. The exam should consist of six questions, with the student writing five pages maximum per question. Alternatively, the student could opt to address three questions and write a review paper potentially suitable for publication (the paper must be submitted to the Advisory Committee by December 1 of their third year).

Year 3, Spring

Each student will give a short talk in typical conference format (20 minutes, plus 10 minutes for questions) during a BCS lunch. This will provide a forum for all of the faculty and students to be aware of your research, and will also serve as a good practice for giving short talks at conferences, handling questions, etc.

In addition, each student will enroll in BCSC 582 (Grant Writing in BCS).

Year 4, Fall

Each student will form a thesis committee and meet with this committee during the Fall semester. (The thesis committee may differ from a student’s advisory committee. Furthermore, the set of faculty serving on the thesis committee is not fixed forever. If a student’s research program subsequently changes, the faculty members on the thesis committee can be modified.)  At least two weeks prior to the meeting, the student will distribute a thesis proposal to the committee members (see next paragraph). At the meeting, the student will describe the proposed thesis and receive feedback from the thesis committee members. The chair of the committee (a faculty member who is not the student’s primary advisor) will write a memo stating whether or not the student is making adequate progress toward a successful thesis, and providing written feedback to the student. All members of the thesis committee will sign the memo.

The thesis proposal should be a 4-5 page document specifying the plan for the thesis. For each major section of the thesis, it should describe the research questions addressed by that section, the background and significance motivating these research questions, and the research plan for studying the questions. Relevant preliminary data and/or results that the student has obtained can also be described. Hopefully, it will often be the case that the student wrote a grant proposal in BCSC 582 (taken during Year 3) that contains many of the materials needed for a thesis proposal.

Year 5, Fall

Each student will meet with his or her thesis committee during the Fall semester. The student will update the committee about the progress that has been made and will receive feedback from the committee members. The chair of the committee will write a memo stating whether or not the student is making adequate progress toward a successful thesis, and providing written feedback to the student. All members of the thesis committee will sign the memo.

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Qualifying Exam

All BCS students must pass the PhD qualifying exam before the end of their third year. Students choose between one of two formats for the exam:

Option A—Six long essay questions:

In collaboration with a faculty qualifying exam committee, students prepare a reading list on three to five topics chosen to provide both broad coverage of those areas of the field related to a student’s research interests and depth of coverage of the student’s specific research area (questions about appropriate topics and papers should be addressed by the faculty qualifying exam committee).

The final version of the reading list must be approved by the faculty committee. After completing the readings, students take the exam. Students are given four days (if appropriate, the faculty qualifying exam committee may choose to give additional time to international students who are not native English speakers) to complete the exam. The answer to each essay question should be a maximum of 2,500 words.

Option B—A “review plus opinion” paper potentially suitable for publication and three long essay questions:

With respect to the review-plus-opinion paper, students should (in collaboration with the qualifying exam committee) select a specific research area closely related to the student’s research interests and a reading list focused on that area. The faculty qualifying exam committee must approve this topic and reading list.

After receiving approval, the student should write the paper. With respect to the essay questions, the student should prepare a reading list on two to three topics providing broad coverage of those areas of the field related to a student’s research interests. As above, the final list must be approved by the faculty qualifying exam committee.

Students are given two days (again with a possible extension for international students) to answer the essay questions. Students pursuing option B must adhere to the following time constraint: the review-plus-opinion paper must be written first, and the essay component of the exam must be completed with the following 30 days.

The faculty qualifying exam committee grades each essay question of the exam as well as the review-plus-opinion paper for students choosing option B. The committee may ask for revisions of essay answers and/or of the paper. After revisions are submitted, the committee assigns a passing or failing grade to the exam, and the student is given written feedback on his/her performance on each part of the exam. Students will need to set up individual appointments with each committee member for individual feedback on their qualifying exam.

Note: Students sometimes write “example” essay questions which they send to their faculty qualifying exam committees. When writing an exam, a committee may (possibly in modified form) make use of these questions (or may not). Students wishing to read questions (but not answers) from previous students’ exams should see Kathy Corser.

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Travel and Expense Reimbursement Guidelines

Policies and procedures change frequently and if you have any questions regarding travel policies, please contact Jennifer Gillis or Kathy Corser.

General guidelines apply to all conference reimbursements and departmental expenses.

Add “Expense Hub” to your Workday Menu. Adding the Expenses App in Workday (PDF)

Must setup your Direct Deposit Payment Election to receive your reimbursements via Direct Deposit.  Payment Election (PDF)

Option to delegate a BCS staff member to assist in processing BCS departmental expenses. Delegations (PDF)

  1. DISCUSS YOUR TRAVEL PLANS WITH YOUR ADVISER PRIOR TO YOUR TRIP! It is YOUR responsibility to make sure your adviser agrees to support your travelBEFORE you spend your own money.  There are limited departmental funds for travel so you will likely need funding from your adviser to cover the full amount of your travel expenses.
  2. Foreign travel or plans to include personal travel with your business-related travel must be discussed with Jennifer Gillis BEFORE making any travel
  3. Expense reports MUST be submitted within 60 days from return of the trip (for travel), date of the event (for example, a local meal with a guest speaker) or from the date and item was purchased.  The 60-day rule is to ensure that the University is compliant with IRS regulations.  If expense reports are not filed within 60 days, you will need to be reimbursed through payroll via extra compensation, and this will be considered taxable income.
  4. You must attach receipts for all reimbursements.  Acceptable documentation must contain all the following information:  Name of vendor, location, date, amount of expense and description of the goods. This includes receipts for meals.  The restaurant receipt should detail the food that was ordered at the meal.  If the meal was for you and another BCS student, you must provide the name of the person at the meal
  5. Receipts are not required for expenses less than $50, BUT the employee will still need to provide the following information to be reimbursed for the expense: Name of vendor, location, date, amount of expense and description of the goods. Because you still need to provide all these details, best practice is to attach all receipts to the Expense Report, even if the expense is under $50.
  6. It is possible for the department to direct pay Airfare, Conference Registration, Abstract Fees, Membership Duesand Other Research Related Expenses so that you do not have to use your own funds for these.  In fact, it is highly recommended that you do NOT pay for expenses out of pocket if there is a way to direct pay for the charge. We prefer to avoid students putting out their own money for travel when possible.

Details regarding how to use University funds to direct pay the expenses listed above are explained below.

If a receipt for a purchase greater than $50 is lost, and you are unsuccessful in obtaining a copy of the missing receipt, you will be required to complete a . Bank or credit card statements are not accepted as a substitution of a missing detailed receipt.

In general, the following are the categories of expenses related to conference travel that are allowable for reimbursement. 


For University related business, you are expected to use the most economical mode of travel that is suited for the trip. In the case of flights, you must fly coach or economy.  If you fly business or first class, you will only be reimbursed for the cost of the lower price airfare.  There are some exceptions, but these should be discussed in advance of making reservations for the trip. 

Best Practice for Making Airline Reservations:

The University works with two local travel agencies that you can use for booking flights.  If you book your business-related flight with a University travel agent, you do not have to pay out of pocket for airfare. When you use one of the travel agents, the cost of the airfare is directly charged to the University account covering the expense.  To get the best price on flights, it is recommended that you contact the University travel agent at least 21 days prior to the trip, but for students, the reservation can be made at anytime prior to the trip. Here is the contact information for the two UR approved travel agencies:

DePrez Travel Bureau, Inc.
Phone: 585-442-8900 option 3                                      

Town & Country Travel
Phone: (585) 381-2850

It is highly recommended you book your University business flights with one of these travel agents.  To do this, simply call the travel agency (we have traditionally used Town and Country) to make your reservation and let them know you are a 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ student.  The agent will likely ask you if you will be using a Spend Authorization for the airfare, and you will use the Spend Authorization.  Create Your Spend Authorization (PDF). For the account information required for the Spend Authorization, you must contact Kathy Corser or Jennifer Gillis with your travel plans, and we will provide you with account information and assistance for completing the Spend Authorization in Workday.  When you create a spend authorization, you will not have to use any of your own money for the flight.

Please note:  If you plan to add any personal travel time into your business trip, please discuss this with Kathy Corser or Jennifer Gillis PRIOR to booking your flight with the travel agent or booking the flight with your own funds if you decide not to use the travel agency.

Special Considerations for Foreign Travel:

UR Staff and students who are traveling abroad on University sponsored or supported activity are required to register their trip with the .

All flights (domestic and international) supported with federal funds must be taken on U.S. flag air carriers, regardless of cost or convenience – unless an exception, as listed in the is authorized.  The University travel agents are very familiar with the rules surrounding flight restrictions for grant supported travel.  They can ensure you are booked on a flight that is compliant with the Fly American Act.

Lodging Expenses:

You must provide an itemized bill, folio, or proof of stay.  Itemization should include name and location of the hotel, dates of stay, and separate amounts for charges such as lodging, meals, and telephone calls.  You will only be reimbursed for the cost of the room and parking charges if you drove your own vehicle.  Cleaning fees for AirBnB rentals are also okay.  You must provide a detailed receipt, and lodging is only reimbursed AFTER you have returned from the conference.  We are unable to direct pay or reimburse lodging expenses until after the conference. 

NOTE:  If you do not have lodging expenses because you stayed with friends or family, please note this on your reimbursement form.  If lodging expenses were shared with other BCS students, staff or faculty, please let us know that information as well.

Conference Registration, Abstract Fees, and Membership Dues:

If there are fees related to any of these items, please let Kathy Corser or Jennifer Gillis know.  It is possible (and recommended) for us to use a departmental credit card to directly pay for these expenses.  When we pay for these expenses with a purchasing card, you do not have to use your own funds and get reimbursed for the expenses. 

If you do pay for the expense out of pocket, you must turn in the receipt with the Expense Report to be reimbursed for the expense. 


For conference travel, the cost of food is only reimbursed when your adviser agrees to pay for this expense.  If your adviser does agree to cover this cost, you will have to choose if you want to be reimbursed for actual meal costs (by turning in actual receipts per the guidelines above) or by the federal per diem rate. The per diem rate can also be used for lodging on INTERNATIONAL travel.  The per diem rates can be checked at the following website:  The rates vary by state and city.   Please talk to your adviser about what they will cover for meals when you are at a conference prior to attending.


FYI.  Reimbursement for meals with local visitors or department events is handled differently, so please talk to Kathy Corser or Jennifer Gillis about local meals with visitors.

Miscellanous Allowable Travel Expenses: Receipts needed per the guidelines

  • Taxis, Trains, Shuttles, UBER, Lyft: When University business travel requires the use of a ride hailing service (such as Uber or Lyft), the least costly available arrangement which are suited to the trip are to be used, taking into account the number of passengers, luggage or equipment, etc.
  • Expenses for shipping University equipment or baggage handling and storage
  • Tips for above items
  • Highway and bridge tolls
  • Necessary parking fees
  • Certain specific approved fees from University contracted travel agents


  • Personal entertainment expenses  
  • In-flight/room movies, satellite radio on car rentals, headsets, books, magazines, newspapers, health club fees, hotel movies, social activities, honor/mini bar charges, sporting events, and similar 
  • Expenses associated with your normal commute (for example taking a taxi or ride hailing service because your car broke down on your way into work) 
  • Damages incurred to any form of lodging, rental accommodations or vehicles as a result of engaging in activities not directly related to University business 
  • Charges incurred as a result of changes in travel itinerary made for personal convenience including no-show charges for hotel or car service 
  • Charitable contributions or Donations that do not benefit the University or further the University’s objectives 
  • Babysitting, house-sitting, and pet-sitting/kennel fees 
  • Fees on personal-liability credit cards or accounts  
  • Credit card annual fees, late fees, or finance charges 
  • Traffic fines, court costs, parking violations, and other fees; even if driving a University-owned/leased vehicle 
  • Rental car insurance (Domestic Travel) 

If a University traveler interrupts a business trip or adds days to make a side trip for personal reasons, all expenses that were not incurred for University business must be borne by the traveler and not submitted for reimbursement.


After you have returned from your trip, you will need to complete an Expense Report.  Create an Expense Report (PDF). For the expense report, you will need to know the "Worktag", which is essentially the account that will be charged for the travel expenses.  Jennifer Gillis can help to provide you with the correct "Worktag" (account) for your travel expenses.  We also understand you may need assistance the first time you are completing the expense report, so please talk to Kathy Corser or Jennifer Gillis for assistance with completing the Expense Report.

STEP 2: After your Expense Report has been completed and approved by all the necessary individuals, and submitted to Accounting, you will receive your reimbursement.

If you have any questions regarding travel policies or need help with completing expense report, please contact Jennifer Gillis or Kathy Corser.

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Teaching Assistant

All students are required to serve as teaching assistants (TAs) three times (twice for credit, BCSC 598). The department will assign courses to the students.

Students must meet with the instructor prior to the semester they are TAing to discuss the teaching assistant contract. The teaching assistant contract will set expectations for attending class, office hours, recitations/review sessions, exam preparation, and grading.

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PhD Dissertation Information

If you have any questions about policies and procedures, please see Kathy Corser.
