ࡱ> sur'`  bjbj{P{P 0*:: /VVVVVVVd'''8($8(40x(x(x(x(x(S)S)S)///////$1hl3t/V6*S)S)6*6*/VVx(x(/,,,6*dVx(Vx(/,6*/,,/VVM/x(l( i'*///00!/,3"+H3M/3VM/HS)"u),))S)S)S)//j,dS)S)S)06*6*6*6*&D&j~VVVVVV Costume Worksheets One-Act Play Festival The purpose of this worksheet is to provide your designer with the most complete information about your thoughts on the play. Note that it contains very little specific costume information. Name of Play: Name of Director: Phone Number: Email: Part One: The Play and The World. In the simplest possible sentence, please state the theme of your play as you are directing it. EXAMPLES: You Cant Take it with You could be Our individuality makes us all a family or Conformity creates unhappiness. Grease (the musical) could be We are unhappy until we can act like ourselves. What is the action of the play From what. As the play begins, describe the world of the play? From where does the beginning of the play come? What happened just before the play began? Through what: What happens during the course of the play? How is the established world changed or challenged? What events occur and what is their impact on the people in the story? What is the conflict To what: What is left at the end? How is the world of the play different? Are questions answered? Are new ones put forth? Where do the characters go from here? Where does the play take place? (physical location; geographical location) When does the play take place? (year, season, time of day, holiday) Are there any colors, shapes, paintings, pieces of art, TV shows, movies (or extracts thereof) that you think of when you think of the play? (attach anything visual) Are there any specific physical effects that need to happen with the costumes (blood, bruises, peg legs, quick changes, rip off costumes) that you know of? Character Worksheet Please complete one for each character (feel free to do this with your actors). Character Name: Sex/Sexual Orientation: Age: Occupation: Religion or Belief System: Class/Social Status: Economic Status/Wealth: What is the characters relationship to the other characters? (both kind and quality) What is the characters spine or super-objective as an action verb? (I will ________ or die). Choose a few words to describe the characters personality. Are their any personal of psychological factors influencing this characters appearance? (Are they trying to impress someone? Are they very depressed?) Do any colors, shapes, or other visual aids come to mind when you think of this character? Any characters from movies/TV/books? Please attach if possible.     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Note that it contains very little specific 2!2!N,22,222023!22212'222,2.0H2,2,,22,2'2,#0,'2,,!, TDU@@Ltcostume information.,2'2N,2!2!N,22TTEqU@@ELP - TT {U@@dLP - % T}IU@@ LhName of Play:H3R,2"<22!% TTJwU@@JLP . TTaU@@JLP - % TxcZU@@L\Name ofH3R,2"TTcU@@T L` Director:H,,-!2,!% TTe#U@@LP . TTGU@@0LP - % TIU@@ LhPhone Number:<828,H9R8,-"% TTKqU@@LP TTrKU@@rLP ,TTKU@@LP ,TTK U@@LP ,TT K! U@@ LP ,TT" KM U@@" LP ,% TpN Im U@@N LXEmail:CR2!% TTn K U@@n LP . TT-U@@LP - % TT/)U@@LPP<% Td*BU@@*LTART 995% TT/2U@@LPON% TX3BU@@3LPNE95% T/4 U@@L: The Play and The World.!C8,<22388C8,d2,8TT5 /i U@@5 LP 5 % TT U@@LP - % TX  U@@o LP1.2Rp@"ArialOOMG&&&&&&1111<#EEE&&&&j0Z0@ܪ00)0@ܪ03& z Arial 0F  ) 20L^0dv% TT  U@@o LP K% TH | &" WMFC Q U@@o *LIn the simplest possible sentence, please 22,'N2,'22''2,(,2,2,,2,,',% T}  U@@} o Llstate the theme'!3!,!8,!8-R,% T   U@@ o L of your play as you are 2!023!2.0,'032,!, % T u U@@ Ldirecting it. EXAMPLES: 2!,,21=IHY9;>8Rp@Times New Roman6 0\ۮ0$7 0Gz Times ew Roman 3 0Pۮ0320L^0(dv% Tv  U@@v LlYou Can t Take 922C22!82,,T U@@ Ldit with YouC2922% T  U@@ Ll could be  Our ,2222,,H2! % T   l U@@U Lindividuality makes us all a fam22222,/N,3,'2',,!,NT` l U@@ U LTily0Td  l U@@ U LT or-2!T { l U@@ U Lx  Conformity creates ,C22!3!N0-!,,,'T| il U@@| U Ldunhappiness@222,222,''Tlj l U@@jU LX . @, % Tpn 9 U@@ LXGreaseH',2',% Tp:n  U@@: LX (the !2,T|n _ U@@ L\musical)N2'-,!T`n t U@@` 9L could be  We are unhappy until we can act like ourselves,2322,,_,,!,223,24032H,,,2-,2,22!'-2,'T`un  U@@u LT . ,TTn  U@@ LP - TT R U@@; LP - TTT  U@@ LP - TT 8 U@@! LP - TT:  U@@ LP - TT  U@@ LP - TT  U@@z LP - TT U@@ LP - TTwU@@`LP - % TXyU@@LP2.2% TTyU@@LP K% TyU@@ LdWhat is the _2,'2,% TpwU@@LXaction2,!28% TyIU@@ L` of the p2!2,2T`JyU@@JLTlay-0TTyU@@LP . % TX]U@@FLPa.,% TTE[U@@FLP Q% TF [U@@FF L`From what@<,3SI82!% Tl!]U@@!FLX. 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EXAMPLES:  @Times New Roman-"2 1fYou Cant Take 2 1T fit with Youa-"2 1f could be Our  -;2 ? findividuality makes us all a fam  2 ?fily 2 ?%f or+2 ?8f Conformity creates  2 ? funhappinessO2 ?f. :-2 LfGrease-2 Lf (the 2 Lfmusical) a2 L9f could be We are unhappy until we can act like ourselves  2 Lf. i 2 Lf  2 ZZf  2 hZf  2 vZf  2 Zf  2 Zf  2 Zf  2 Zf  2 Zf -2 lf2.- 2 uf -2  fWhat is the -2 faction-2  f of the ph2 flayi 2 f -2 fa.- 2 f -2  fFrom what  -2 f. Asn &2 f the play begins, 2 Dfdescribe/2 lf the world of the play?   2 f 2 fFrom i 2 fwhere 2 fdoes2  f the beginni"2 fng of the play 2 Xfcome 52 rf? What happened just before  #2 fthe play began?  2 f  2 Zf  2 Zf  2 Zf  2 *Zf  2 8Zf -2 Ffb.- 2 Ff -2 F fThrough what - 2 Ff: 2 Ff 2 FfWhat 2 FfhappenseL2 F8+f during the course of the play? How is the   q2 TDfestablished world changed or challenged? 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