October 6, 2007

Professor Judith Pipher Inducted into National Women's Hall of Fame

Professor Judith Pipher was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame on October 6, 2007 for the exceptional advances she's made in the field of infrared astronomy, for her excellence as a teacher, and for her role as mentor to a new generation of young female scientists. (Photo: Judith Pipher, right, receives her award from National Women's Hall of Fame Board President Barbara DeBaptiste.)

September 17, 2007

Assistant Professor Andrew Jordan Discovers How to Save Schrodinger's Cat

The feature story of the May 14, 2007 issue of New Scientist features Assistant Professor Andrew Jordan's work on reversing quantum measurements, published with co-author Alexander Korotkov in Physical Review Letters 97, October 2006. Jordan defines experiments to physically undo a measurement of an unknown quantum state. In the case of Schrodinger's cat, this means that he has figured out how to monitor the state (dead or alive) of the classic "cat in a box," then undo any damage caused by the monitoring.

August 29, 2007

Embryonic Solar System Assembly Seen for the First Time

Dan WatsonUsing NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, a team of astronomers led by Professor Dan M. Watson of the 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ has observed the onset of planetary-system formation, a process nobody has seen until now. The group's exciting first look at the creation of an embryonic solar system yields many new insights about the physics and chemistry of evolving astronomical objects.

August 1, 2007

Professor Esther M. Conwell Wins Prestigious ACS Award for Encouraging Women into Careers in the Chemical Sciences

The American Chemical Society (ACS) announced on August 20, 2007 that Esther M. Conwell, Professor of Physics and Chemistry at the 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳, is the winner of the 2008 ACS Award for Encouraging Women into Careers in the Chemical Sciences. The award recognizes one scientist each year who has significantly encouraged the education and professional development of women as chemists and chemical engineers. Funded by The Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc., it consists of $5,000 to the scientist and $10,000 to an academic institution of her choice. Professor Conwell will receive the award in New Orleans on April 8th. (lhg)

July 31, 2007

Professor Emil Wolf: Top Optical Physicist Publishes New Book

Prof. Wolf's new book, Introduction to the Theory of Coherence and Polarization of LightWilson Professor of Optical Physics and Theoretical Physics Emil Wolf is one of the top 1,000 scientists of all time. Or so states British archaeologist Philip Barker and former President of the The British Society for the History of Science Ludmilla Jordanova in a 1999 book called, appropriately, Top 1000 Scientists: From the Beginning of Time to 2000 AD. It is a fitting tribute to Professor Wolf, who has long been considered a world authority in Optics. His latest book is Introduction to the Theory of Coherence and Polarization of Light, which will be available in September 2007 from Cambridge University Press. This book is the first to present a unified treatment of coherence and polarization, and it is expected to be of great interest to graduate students and researchers in Physics, Optics, and Engineering.