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The leader will: (a) summarize in one page the key questions and issues raised by the reading(s) of the week; (b) distribute hard or electronic copy of the summary during or before the class; (3) Submit five book or chapter reviews according to the following table: Review NoText/AuthorSubjectDate DueICleveland & Bunton, 1-57Region/IslamJanu 26IIDrysdale, Blake, 263-312Israel/PalestineFeb 9IIIDrysdale, Blake, 313-345OilFeb 23IVNassers RepublicEgyptMarch 16VKiddieIranian RevMarch 30EssayApril 20 In a review of a book, article, film, or any other text, you are expected to (a) summarize the main ideas and arguments; (b) and state the relevance of the work to the debate being discussed at that point in the course. (4) Research Paper: Finally, every student will write a research paper of between 10 and 12 pages, exploring a subject of ones choice in the history of North Africa and the Middle East, and the essay will be due by April 20. In a research essay, you will need to consult books, articles, etc. beyond the required readings. You will need to show you have consulted at least ten (10) academic or scholarly (peer-reviewed) texts. Articles downloaded from online journals and electronic books are treated as scholarly, but information from the World Wide Web is not permitted as part of your bibliography. Grading Essay is 35%, Book or Chapter Reviews 30%, Attendance, participation, and leading discussions, 35%, of the total. Required Texts W. L. Cleveland and M. Bunton, A History of the Modern Middle East (Boulder, CO: Westview, 6th Edn, 2016). Albert Hourani, Philip Khoury and Mary Wilson, The Modern Middle East (Tauris, 1993, 2004). Course Outline Jan 12: Scope and Objectives of the Course PART I: THE REGION, ITS PEOPLES, AND HISTORY Jan 19: The Region: Unity and Diversity A. Drysdale and G. H. Blake, The Middle East and North Africa: A Political Geography (New York: Oxford University Press, 1985), 1-37 Jan 26: Rise of Islam and Islamic Civilization W. L. Cleveland and M. Bunton, A History of the Modern Middle East (Boulder, CO: Westview, 6th Ed., 2016),1-57. PART II: IMPERIALISM WITH AND WITHOUT COLONIES Feb 2: Imperialism without Colonies: The Anglo-Turkish Convention of 1838 L.S. Stavrianos, Global Rift: The Third World Comes of Age (New York: William Morrow and Co., 1981), 169-176, 205-220. Feb 9 Imperialism with Colonies: The End of the Ottoman Empire Cleveland and Bunton, A History of the Modern Middle East, 139-59 E. Mandala, Theories of Imperialism. Feb 16: Imperialism, Violence, and the Libyan Resistance, 1911-32 Video: Lion of the Desert. PART III: STRUGGLES FOR AUTONOMY Feb 23: Peasants Autonomy in Action Ted Swedenburg, The Role of the Palestinian Peasantry in the Great Revolt, 1936-1939, in The Modern Middle East, eds. Albert Hourani, P. Khoury and M. Wilson (Tauris, 1993, 2004): 467-502. March 2: Israel and the Palestinians Drysdale and Blake, The Middle East and North Africa, 263-312. March 16: Oil: Western Control and OPEC Drysdale and Blake, The Middle East and North Africa, 313-345 March 23: Oil, Islam, and the Saudi State Cleveland and Bunton, A History of the Modern Middle East, 219-225, 402-412. Mamoun Fandy, Religion, Social Structure and Political Dissent in Saudi Arabia, in The Modern Middle East, 657-676. March 30: Egypt: From Muhammad Ali to Nasser Cleveland and Bunton, A History of the Modern Middle East, 286-305 Video: Nassers Republic. (82 minutes) April 6: The Algerian War of National Liberation Video: Battle of Algiers April 13: The Iranian Revolution of 1979 Nikki Keddie, Iranian Revolution in Comparative Perspective, in The Modern Middle East, 615-37. April 20: The US Invasion of Iraq and its Aftermath H. Batatu, Of the Diversity of Iraqis, the In-cohesiveness of their Society, and their Progress in the Monarchic Period toward a Consolidated Political Structure, in The Modern Middle East, 503-525. N. Chomsky, Hegemony or Survival: Americas Quest for Global Dominance (Metropolitan Books, 2003), 109-143. Academic Honesty All assignments and activities associated with this course must be performed in accordance with the 91̳'s Academic Honesty Policy. Cheating and plagiarism are serious offenses and will be treated as such. Anyone who engages in such activities will be turned over to the College Board on Academic Honesty for disciplinary action, as outlined at HYPERLINK "http://www.rochester.edu/College/honesty/" http://www.rochester.edu/College/honesty/. For a helpful discussion of plagiarism (including subtle instances), see the American Historical Associations Defining Plagiarism,  HYPERLINK "https://www.historians.org/teaching-and-learning/teaching-resources-for-historians/plagiarism-curricular-materials-for-history-instructors/defining-plagiarism" https://www.historians.org/teaching-and-learning/teaching-resources-for-historians/plagiarism-curricular-materials-for-history-instructors/defining-plagiarism. Credit Hour Policy The Colleges credit hour policy on undergraduate courses is to award 4 credit hours for courses that meet for the equivalent of 3 periods of 50 minutes each week. Grading scale: A100-93%A-92.9-90%B+89.9-87%B86.9-83%B-82.9-80%C+79.9-77%C76.9-73%C-72.9-70%D+69.9-67%D66.9-63%D-62.9-60%FBelow 60% Copyright notice: Copyright by Elias Mandala as to this syllabus and any class lectures.     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