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With the support of peasants and workers, the radicalized leadership launched guerrilla wars that turned portions of southern Africa into bloody battlefields from the late 1960s to the fall of apartheid in 1994. Requirements and Grading This is a reading course, which means that you will get out of it as much as you put into it. Therefore, every participant in the seminar will have the following obligations: (1) Regular class attendance and active participation in seminar discussions; (2) Leading two or more seminar discussions (depending on the number of people in the class). The leader will: (a) in one page summarize the key questions raised by the reading(s) of the week; (b) distribute an electronic copy of the summary by noon on Sunday or Tuesday; (3) Submit five book or chapter reviews every other week on September 11 (Omer-Cooper, History of Southern Africa, 1-16); September 25 (Legassick, Gold, Agriculture, and Secondary Industry); October 9 (Isaacman & Isaacman, Resistance and Collaboration), November 6 (Moorcraft, African Nemesis, 121-158); (4) Finally, every student will write a research paper of between 10 and 15 pages, exploring a subject of ones choice in the general area of southern African history and will be due by December 4. Grading Essay is 40%, Book or Chapter Reviews 25%, Attendance 25%, Leading Discussions 10%, of the Total. Academic Honesty All assignments and activities associated with this course must be performed in accordance with the 91̳'s Academic Honesty Policy. Cheating and plagiarism are serious offenses and will be treated as such. Anyone who engages in such activities will be turned over to the College Board on Academic Honesty for disciplinary action, as outlined at HYPERLINK "http://www.rochester.edu/College/honesty/" http://www.rochester.edu/College/honesty/. For a helpful discussion of plagiarism (including subtle instances), see the American Historical Associations Defining Plagiarism,  HYPERLINK "https://www.historians.org/teaching-and-learning/teaching-resources-for-historians/plagiarism-curricular-materials-for-history-instructors/defining-plagiarism" https://www.historians.org/teaching-and-learning/teaching-resources-for-historians/plagiarism-curricular-materials-for-history-instructors/defining-plagiarism. Credit Hour Policy The Colleges credit hour policy on undergraduate courses is to award 4 credit hours for courses that meet for the equivalent of 3 periods of 50 minutes each week. Students with Disabilities The 91̳ respects and welcomes students of all backgrounds and abilities. In the event you encounter any barrier(s) to full participation in this course due to the impact of disability, please contact the Office of Disability Resources. The access coordinators in the Office of Disability Resources can meet with you to discuss the barriers you are experiencing and explain the eligibility process for establishing academic accommodations. You can reach the HYPERLINK "http://www.rochester.edu/college/disability/index.html" Office of Disability Resourcesat: HYPERLINK "mailto:disability@rochester.edu;" disability@rochester.edu;(585) 276-5075; Taylor Hall Research Paper should be based on books, articles, and other sources beyond the required readings. It should demonstrate you have consulted at least ten (10) scholarly (peer-reviewed) texts. Articles downloaded from online journals and electronic books are treated as scholarly, but those from the Worldwide Web are not, and are not therefore permitted to form part of your bibliography. Review: In a review of a book, article, film, or any other text, you are expected to (1) summarize the main ideas and arguments; (2) and state the relevance of the work to the debate being discussed at that point in the course. Course Outline Jan 18: Objectives and Dimensions of the Course Sept 5 Labor Day Part I: Social and Historical Contexts Jan 25: The Region Defined Feb 1: Indigenous Peoples: The Khoisan n J. Omer-Cooper, History of Southern Africa, 2nd ed. (David Philip, James Currey, Heinemann, 2006 [1994]),1-7. Feb 8: Indigenous Peoples: The Bantu n Omer-Cooper, History of Southern Africa, 7-16. Feb 15: Shaka Zulu and the Mfecane n Omer-Cooper, History of Southern Africa, 52-71. Feb 22: Founding of the Cape Colony nOmer-Cooper, History of Southern Africa , 17-34. Feb 29: The Great Trek nOmer-Cooper, History of Southern Africa , 71-81 Part II: The Mineral Revolution and its Impact March 7: The Mineral Revolution nMartin Legassick, Gold, Agriculture, and Secondary Industry in South Africa, 1885-1970: From Periphery to Sub-Metropole as a Forced Labor System, in R. Palmer and N. Parsons, eds., The Roots of Rural Poverty in Central and Southern Africa (University of California Press, 1977): 175-184. March 14: Spring Break March 21: Circulatory Labor Migration and Wives of Migrant Workers n E.R. Wolf, Europe and the People Without History (University of California Press, 1982), 354-63, 366-68. nVideo:  Gold Widows. Part III: From the Barrel of a Gun March 28: Primary Resistance: The Battle of Isandhlwana n Omer-Cooper, History of S :EGHTUVou~( ) D E F G ʽtccTcJ@hP.@OJQJh31@@OJQJhYh31@0J@OJQJ!jhYh31@@OJQJUhPh9y6OJQJ\h9y6OJQJ\haOJQJ\ha@OJQJh9y6@OJQJh h31@@OJQJhl@OJQJhYh31@@OJQJhX@OJQJ hYh31@hEKh](h31@5CJ$OJQJaJ$h](h+F5CJ$OJQJaJ$:FGHVF G [ gdJ gdN+G -DM gdN+GgdP.A w'`0h8p @ xHP !$`'0*-/2p5@8;=@CPFgd31@gd31@gd31@gd31@G Y Z [   *;>JKWYsyżypg]pVyp hYC5@hXhJ6@h hUQU@h hJ@ hJ5@ hUQU5@ h?/@hYhJ 5@ hX@ h-@ h=@hYhJ 6@hYhJ @hYhJ CJhYhJ CJOJQJhN+G hAJhN+GhN+GfHq hYhP.CJOJQJhP.CJOJQJ!*,46x,/=>?QUVWXij{ !к߱߱߱ߜߜzoho hYh jhYh UhYh B*phhYh OJQJ hYjQ@ hp&@ ha5@hYhJ 5@OJQJhYhJ @ hYC@ hX@hXhX6@ h @hYCh @hYhJ 5@ hJ5@ hUQU5@h hJ@& ij{$%801,.LNgdMgdM $*$a$gd:n*$gd:n$a$gd$a$gd $h`ha$gd H((gd $*$a$gdJ !KL !"$%8;<ABpq/018*,.źߩ͑}tkhYhMCJhYhJ @ h:naJ h:n6h:n h:n5hYh @hYh B*OJQJph hYh B*OJQJ\phhYh OJQJhYh >* hYh jhYh UhYh B*phjhYh 0JUhYh 0J(.LNZ\`$&(48:^`blprĽ׬vl^QLGB he5 ha5 hN5hYhs@OJQJhOhP5@OJQJhO@OJQJhYhP@OJQJha@OJQJ hNhC|@CJ OJQJaJ hM@CJ OJQJaJ hNhM@CJ OJQJaJ hC|hMhO hC|hshYhM5hYhM5\ ha5\hYhMOJQJhNhMOJQJaJ N&(`bFHJ@6 $*$a$gdgd9gdw ygdXgdNgdxJgdBngdPgdEgdMr":6DFHJVXZnǿӻӳڣӟypfhYh}!6@hYh}!@ hYhShYhk5hYh7:5 h7:5 he5 hxJ5hBn h&@ hO5 ha5hYhBn5h^h h H*h hYhBn6 hYhBnhYh&@ hYh&hYhM5 h 5hYhP5'&<>@B\$*.048ՊzpjzjaWhYh5@h7ch7c@ h7c@h7ch6@h7ch@ hYh&hYh 45 hax5hYh 4@ hN@hYh96@hYh9@ hYh9hYhw y5hYh7:5 h7B5 h7:5 ha5hYhBn@hYhX@hYh@ h7:@68:!!!*!,!p!q!"" ###X##0@h@j@l@@gdNgdK]gdG $ 0*$a$gd*gdegdPJgd*gd9 $*$a$gd8:LVb !!!)!*!+!,!-!3!4!5!6!ʼ}u}qmhaYQYhL hK]5hYhs[5hYhT@5 hYhb hb5hbh*hYh*6 hYh*hYh*5 hX5hYhG45 hax5h&hG@CJ aJ h&hG@CJ OJQJaJ h&@CJ OJQJaJ h&hn@CJ OJQJaJ h,i @CJ OJQJaJ hX@CJ OJQJaJ hYh@6!7!R!W!o!p!""f""" # #### #$#&#V#X#j#l#;ugWJE;hK]hK]5@ hK]5h&5CJ OJQJaJ hg8hY;5CJ OJQJaJ hY;@CJ OJQJaJ ha.hG@CJ OJQJaJ ha.h&@CJ OJQJaJ hC|@CJ OJQJaJ hYhc@ hehEhYhv@ hYhvhYh*6 hYh* h7ch* hYhehYhe5 he5hYh*5hYhv5l#n#####$@@0@f@h@j@l@z@|@~@@@@@@A AJALANAPAbAŸ}tmimima\VO hax5@ hK1@ h&75hYhK]5hK] hYhK]hYhK]@hYhK]5@heh 5@hehG5@heh7B5hehax5hYhn@OJQJha.hK]@CJ aJ hK]5UhehK]6@hehK]@ hehK]hehK]5hehK]5@ hK]5@outhern Africa, 114-116 n Video:  Day of the Zulu. April 4: Cuba and the Liberation of Angola nVideo:  Cuba: An African Odyssey, Part II, Chapter 1 (50 minutes) April 11: Cuba and the Liberation of Angola nVideo:  Cuba: An African Odyssey, Part II, Chapter 1 (50 minutes) April 18: The African National Congress nVideo:  Spear of the Nation. April 25: Counterrevolution in Angola and the Liberation of Namibia nVideo:  Cuba: An African Odyssey, Part II, Chapter 2 (50 minutes) . 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